Admission Process

The GoCPS website provides a complete overview to the applications process for all elementary schools within the Chicago Public Schools system

For more FAQs, please visit the CPS Access and Enrollment website


Neighborhood Program

Students entering Kindergarten – 8th grade may automatically enroll in the neighborhood component of Skinner West if they live within the school boundaries.

The Skinner West neighborhood boundaries are:

Beginning at Ashland Ave. and Kinzie Ave.
East - East Desplaines St
South - Lake St.
East - Chicago River
South - Eisenhower Expressway
West - Ashland Ave (east side of street)
North - to starting point

Skinner West requires proof of residence at initial registration and may follow-up throughout your student's enrollment to verify the appropriate mailing address within school boundaries. If you move or are planning on moving outside of these boundaries, please contact the office for transfer paperwork to the next grade at your new school.

Please bring the following to registration:

    • 4 proofs of address

    • 1 must be a driver’s license or State ID

    • 1 must be a lease or mortgage statement showing current address

    • 2 utility bills showing current address

      • We also accept voter registration (if current address listed)

The Neighborhood enrollment process requires documentation related to the student's age, current address, and health requirements. Registration begins in late April for the following school year. Parents/guardians can register their children at the Skinner West front office from 8:30am - 4pm. During the summer, please contact the Skinner West front office for hours of registration - 773-534-7790.

To view all school boundaries, use the CPS School Locator.

The Selective Enrollment Classical Program

Students who are interested in enrolling in the Classical Program must submit an application and take an entrance exam to qualify. Exams are offered district wide, once a year for rising K-8th grade students. More information about the selective enrollment exam and application process can be found at GoCPS. If your student is offered a seat in our Classical Program and you choose to accept it, please bring the following to registration:

  • 3 proofs of address

  • 1 must be a driver’s license or State ID

  • 1 must be a lease or mortgage statement showing current address

  • 1 utility bills showing current address

  • We also accept voter registration (if current address listed)

Magnet Program

Parents who do not live in the neighborhood may apply to enter Skinner West's Neighborhood Magnet component for Kindergarten – 8th grades. There is no testing required for magnet cluster schools – students are selected via computerized lottery, in accordance with the tier system of the Chicago Public Schools. More information about magnet and magnet cluster programs can be found at GoCPS.

Current Skinner West families that do not live within the neighborhood boundaries, but have multiple children, are encouraged to apply using the magnet application and completing the sibling section. Siblings are entered into the sibling lottery for the magnet component only (not classical).